Tag Archives: security

Why we need encrypted messengers…

Company That Routes Billions of Text Messages Quietly Says It Was Hacked for several years byu/markcartertm incybersecurity

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Azure Cosmos DB users beware…

This is pretty bad. It just goes to show security isn’t easy when even Microsoft can have a vulnerability like this. https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2021/08/worst-cloud-vulnerability-you-can-imagine-discovered-in-microsoft-azure/

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Half of US Hospitals shutdown their network due to ransomware

I wonder how many people lost their lives due to ransomware. Organizations need to take the security much more seriously. https://www.infosecurity-magazine.com/news/half-us-hospitals-shut-networks/

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Netgear Authentication Bypass

Make sure you update your Netgear Routers https://threatpost.com/netgear-authentication-bypass-router-takeover/167469/

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Add a User to a Linux Group

If you need to add an existing user to a Linux group it is very easy, just run the following command: usermod -a -G <group name> <user name>

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