Harptabs Mobile Update

I have added the ability to translate the mobile page into different languages.  This update will work for both the mobile site and the Android App and is live right now.

Harptabs.com Mobile App

Harptabs.com Mobile App



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Harptabs Mobile Android App

We have published an Android app which will allow you to use the mobile version of our website.  We plan to continue to improve both the app and the mobile website.

Harptabs.com Mobile App

Harptabs.com Mobile App

 Harptabs Mobile from the Android Marketplace

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Keepass Droid App

When you deal with a lot of computers and networks you have a very large list of passwords you need to remember.  You can set them all the same but that would be a security risk, all you would need is for one place to compromise your password and everything would be exposed.  I use the program Keepass to keep my passwords secure.

There is a version of Keepass on every operating system so no matter what you are using you will be able to work with your passwords.  I use Dropbox to keep the password database file in sync across all of my devices and computers.  That means as soon as I add a new password I can then access it anywhere I would need to.

The passwords database is password protected and can be setup to use a key file as well.  If you want to use Dropbox to sync the password database file then I recommend using a key file which is not stored in your Dropbox EVER (Dropbox keeps files which have been in it even temporarily forever unless you go into the website and delete the deleted files).

What I find very useful is that you can store the login URL of the passwords so you can open the URL and use the programs auto type your password so it never even has to be exposed on the screen.

Another feature I really like about this application is that it can be used to generate completely random passwords.  It will then save them in the database entry for the password you are creating.

Keepass Droid

Keepass Droid

Keepass Droid on the Android Marketplace

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GTasks App

One thing which I used to use in Outlook all of the time was tasks.  I was very disappointed when I switched to Google Apps and I found that tasks were basically an after thought.  This oversight seemed to continue on Android as well.

To fix that problem I use the GTasks App.  It syncs with your Google account so you can add your tasks in either place.  It also is compatible with multiple task lists.

GTasks App

GTasks App

GTasks on Android Marketplace

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GO Launcher EX App

This is one of my favorite Android Apps… although I don’t know if I would call it an app.  Android is so extremely fragmented these days that every phone manufacture has a different interface.  Many of those interfaces slow the phone down and frequently lock up the device.

GO Launcher EX is a nice app which will give you a very nice front-end to use on your phone which is fast and elegant.  They are constantly adding new features and rolling out bug fixes which is another reason I like it.

Some of my favorite features are the large number of home screens you can have.  You can also pinch to zoom out of the home screen and see all of your other ones.  Which when you have a few home screens is much smoother then scrolling through them.  You can also hide applications which are in your application tray which is great if you don’t have a rooted phone and you have preinstalled crapware.  Another great feature is the ability to create folders in your application tray so you can group your applications together.  You can even uninstall and rearrange your apps right from the tray by long pressing on them.

One tip I recommend if you do use this app, clear off all of your phones screens before you run this.  I find it helps the phone run even faster and with less overhead.

GO Launcher EX App

GO Launcher EX App

GO Launcher EX App on the Android Marketplace

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