Good Shepherd Knights of Columbus App

Now you can easily get the latest news about the Good Shepherd Knights of Columbus through your android phone.

Good Shepherd Knights of Columbus App

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Time Off Tracker Release

Our newest app, Time Off Tracker allows you to enter in your vacation and sick time days and the app will track how much time you have off left.  This app is being released as a rolling release which means that as more of the app is completed and new features are add it will be updated with them.

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PHP IP Logger Android App Update

The PHP IP Logger app has been updated to backup your settings to the Google Backup service so now if you uninstall and re-install the app your settings will come back.

Posted in Android, Android Apps, News, Our Apps, PHP IP Logger | Tagged | Leave a comment Android App Updated

The Android App to now backup your settings to the Google Backup Service.  So now when you get a new phone or reinstall the app all of your settings will be there.

I also added a pop-up asking people to rate the app.  The more ratings the app has the higher it is listed when people search.

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PHP IP Logger App Released

I have just released a new app in the Android Marketplace.  It is an app to keep track of your personal IP addresses.

It contains two pieces a server side script which will create a table in your MySQL database to store the information for the script and the android app.  Once the script is on your server you just need to go to a url to register the IP.

Register an IP from the Browser:

http://<your domain>/myip.php?Name=<name for device>

Register an IP from the Linux Command Line:

curl –user <username>:<password> http://<your domain>/myip.php?Name=<name for device>

From Android App:

Open Menu -> Add Your Phone to the Database


PHP IP Logger in the Android Marketplace

Download the PHP Script:

Posted in Android, Android Apps, Networking, News, Our Apps, PHP IP Logger | Tagged | 4 Comments